How To Write a Birthday Card For Her In 5 Different Ways
There are so many different ways to write a birthday card for the loved one in your life and much of it depends on the type of relationship – have you been together a long time or is this still early days? Is it a significant birthday, you know, the one with a zero on the end? Do you know her well enough to write something humorous or will it be wide of the mark?
Pitching the tone for a special lady can be challenging, even more so if you are not good with words or the relationship is quite new. Here are 5 different ways you can write a birthday card for her that will really hit the spot.
1. Poetry
If you are no good with words, then borrow someone else’s. A poem doesn’t have to be something from pre-history, song lyrics make a popular choice particularly if she has a special favourite with appropriate lines. The other option is to find a short quotation which can say a lot in just a few words. There are loads of online resources with romantic verse and clever quotations for you to choose from.
2. Humour
Humour can be a double-edged sword so is best used only for someone you know well otherwise it can be easy to offend. The card you choose may be funny too or it could be a serious card with just one or two comic lines inside. Always remember, never make a joke about age unless you are very sure of your territory as this is almost always bound to offend a lady!
3. Just Met
New relationships and dating are tricky as you may not know her well enough to really hit the mark. Play safe if you are not sure. Don’t be too gushing and enthusiastic - don’t take the card ahead of the relationship as you could easily put her off, rather reflect on the time you have spent together so far.

4. Long-term relationship
A long-term relationship has the most scope as you know that lady very well so it is much easier to be either sentimental or cheeky.
5. Significant birthday
Don’t overstep the line with significant birthdays as no lady even someone you have been with for years is ever comfortable or happy about getting older. Try and avoid humour in these situations even something gentle like “you are maturing like a fine wine, not surprising based on how much you drink” is best said by a friend rather than a partner. Use the concept of her age to touch on how many years you have had together and how the more you know her, the more beautiful she is. Acknowledge age indirectly and always keep it in a positive light.
Top Tips for writing that special card for her
Don’t write something you wouldn’t say face to face – it may be a statement or expression that you haven’t yet said but don’t get carried away just because you are feeling a little brave
Practise what you want to say on a piece of paper before making a final decision otherwise it can get very expensive on card purchases!
Make sure the card matches the sentiment so a humorous card will not sit well with a romantic poem inside – decide on your theme first.

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