14 Ways To Write The Perfect Congratulations and Good Luck Cards
If you don’t like the messages pre-printed in most greetings cards and after all, who does, then you can pen one of your own but this is easier said than done.
If a friend, family member or work colleagues has landed an amazing new job then it is really important to get the tone right, after all, they are probably a mixture of excited and just a bit nervous so some misplaced humour might not hit the spot.
It could be their first job or even a promotion, so you want your message to ace it when it comes to the perfect blend of congratulations and encouragement.
Most of the pre-printed messages are a bit bland and uninspiring so add your own or why not buy a blank card and write something totally original? You can’t beat your own style and sentiment, adding a very personal touch at a significant moment in the life of a friend or family member and something they will remember for a long time to come.

Here are some of our best suggestions, choose one to suit the recipient depending on how well you know them and whether they are a colleague or a family member and just totally make their day.
- I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. Congratulations on your new job!
- Your new job success couldn’t be more richly deserved, congratulations and well done!
- I hear the drinks are on you – congrats and all that on your new job, mine’s a Prosecco! (add your favourite tipple to suit)
- Sorry to hear you are going and I doubt you will find colleagues quite as unique as us or did I just mean weird…! Congrats and good luck!
- I knew you could do it, it’s lovely to watch you chase your dreams – congratulations!
- If you reach for the moon, you end up with the stars – well done, I know you will shine brightly in your new job!
- Great, a new job! When are we going to celebrate with some retail therapy – your treat?!
- Such wonderful news! Congratulations and well done, you deserve it!
- Your new employers must have great taste! Congratulations on your new job
- Go forth and conquer!
- May good fortune smile on you as you begin this new adventure
- Good luck today, we will all be thinking about you
- Off to pastures new? Don’t be a stranger, stay in touch, good luck
- Wishing you the very best of luck, not that you need it – you’ve got this!
Pick a sentiment that suits the recipient and how well you know them. Sometimes, it is nice to contrast a serious card with some witty comment inside or vice versa. The words should match the card, the recipient, the occasion and you!
Top tips for writing a great congratulations or good luck card
Less is more when it comes to words, don’t ramble, just say what you mean
Practice on a piece of paper first until you hit just the right tone otherwise it can get expensive!
Avoid being too personal unless you know that person really well, new horizons are exciting but they can be daunting too - what might be okay face to face over a drink in the bar can take on quite a different meaning when written down

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